
Many business owners install a roof and then don’t give it a second thought. Roofs are exposed to natural elements around the clock all year long. Even when there isn’t a major disaster- such as a hurricane- sun, wind, rain, and snow wear on the roof. Scheduling a commercial roof inspection on a regular basis ensures a professional is evaluating the roof and addressing any issues that arise before they become serious.

How often should I schedule a commercial roof inspection?

If it’s been more than a year since your last inspection or you’ve never had your roof inspected, make an appointment as soon as possible. From here on out, schedule inspections twice yearly, ideally once before summer and once before winter. In the event of extreme weather conditions, schedule an extra inspection, especially if there is noticeable damage, such as broken tiles or mold growth.

Some business owners feel comfortable completing their own inspections. However, it’s highly recommended to hire a professional contractor who has the proper equipment, knowledge, and skill sets to get the job done accurately and efficiently. Even when you’re able to identify a problem yourself, most likely you won’t be able to fix it on your own. The money you spend on the inspections will save you quite a bit in major roof repairs and complete roof replacements. In the long run, you’ll spend less money and have less hassles, keeping your business running smoothly.

It’s never too early to contact your commercial roofing contractor.

A small roof issue such as a leak can cause a large amount of damage in a small time frame. It’s not fun spending money on a roof that appears to be in good working order, but it’s even less fun to deal with a significant roof issue. Spotting a small problem early allows a contractor to fix it before it becomes a major problem.

The professional contractors at Jewett Roofing have ample experience inspecting and maintaining commercial roofs in the greater Saint Louis, MO area. We work closely with our clients to design custom building maintenance plans that address individual roofing needs and that are tailored to specific budgets. You get the roofing maintenance you require at a price you can afford. To learn more about our services or to set up an inspection, give us a call at 800-664-2845.